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Tech Tips How To Protect Electronic Devices From Thunderstorm & Lightning Strike

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How To Protect Electronic Devices From Thunderstorm & Lightning Strike -min.jpg

Casualties can happen from the act of nature, the lighting storm, or the thunderstorm. Every year there’s an enormous amount of losses caused by this phenomenon.

Especially in the summer, electric surge damage due to thunderstorms or lightning storm happens around the World. In recent reports, we found out that there are at least 500 million to one billion dollars (USD) covered each year (within the past 10 years) by Insurance companies according to the insurance information institute, for lightning damage claims.

What is Lightning Storm or Thunderstorm?​

A lightning storm is a natural phenomenon where lightning strikes from the atmosphere. presence of lightning or thunderbolts in the storm classified this as a lightning storm or thunderstorm.

A lightning strike is static electricity that forms up in the cloud and electric discharge from the atmospheric cloud to object on the earth surface, mostly from the cumulonimbus type of clouds.

Protection of Electronic Devices from Lightning Strike Surge​

Due to the highly destructive nature of this natural phenomenon, it is always recommended to be cautious of a lightning storm. A single lightning strike has at least a few thousand amps to over two hundred thousand amps of electrical energy. It is enough to destroy any electrical equipment to its contact. Electrical energy from a single lightning strike to its maximum power can light up at least 50 thousand light bulbs of 100 watts at once (Yes, of course for few milliseconds).

You can already guess how dangerous it can be. It is recommended to take a few steps to protect your precious electronic devices from the lightning storm. In fact, this is important especially in this time where the whole world already going through an economic slowdown, it is important to protect our electronic assets.
lightning strike -min.jpg

Here are few steps recommended by us to follow in terms of protection of electronic devices from thunderstorms:

1. Grounding or Earthing​

Proper grounding can give protection from transient voltages like surges and spikes of electric power. It can reduce electrical noises and eliminate an electric shock hazard. While proper grounding also can give protection to your electrical system from lightning surges to some extent.

When a thunderbolt strikes the nearby electronic system without grounding, the giant static electric charge can cause a fire to the system in a worst-case scenario. It is always better to have proper grounding or earthing from the electrical system. But for, most of the cases with a potentially serious lighting strike, electronic devices can receive permanent damage even when grounded. It is recommended to follow other steps along with this one as well to safeguard your precious electronics.

2. Installation of Time-Delay Supported Stabilizer​

When a lightning storm hits your home, a power surge can occur. During this time of the lightning surge, if you keep your electronic devices on, serious damage can occur to the device due to the high electrical energy spike.

To protect electronic devices, a time-delay supported stabilizer should be installed at your mains. This is by far the best solution for sudden electric surges or spikes. A Time-Delay supported stabilizer will turn off the power to the system for a few minutes in case of a sudden power surge and spike until the power stabilizes.

3. Installation of Whole-House Surge Protector​

There always be a time where you would not be there to turn off the power supply or unplug your electronic devices in case of a lightning storm. In that case, you highly need something to protect your devices at that time.

To add an extra layer of protection to your electronic system, A whole-home transient surge protector should be added to the AC or DC power supply unit. Consider getting surge protectors for telephone, TV & Internet cables as well if you are using them on your device. This way you can be sure that your electronic devices are always safe and protected from lightning storms.

Although surge protector or transient surge protector can not ensure 100% complete protection to your system against lightning strikes. Also, the surge protector may receive permanent damage by a lightning strike and you may need to change or repair it eventually later on.

4. Unplug From Power Supply​

The good old technique of safeguarding your electronic equipment is, after all, unplugging it from the power supply. The best way to protect your electronic devices from a thunderstorm is to unplug them from the power source.

Especially the expensive electronic devices like, TV, Refrigerator, Computer & others should be unplugged in the case of a thunderstorm. While it may not always possible to unplug each and every device. Although the electrical energy from a thunderstorm can travel through telephone, tv cable and, internet cables. So we will recommend you unplug those as well.

Try to take quick action after you notice the approaching lightning storm. But again, do not touch an open circuit or wire, it can be fatal.

Warning: Installation of electronic devices or equipment that includes exposed wires or circuits can pose a threat to life & property. Call a professional technician to install such electronic devices or equipment.

Top 5 Surge Protector Recommendation by Brand​

Here is our pick for one of the best brand for surge protectors for home usage,

  • Leviton
  • Intermatic
  • APC
  • Siemens

Top 5 Time-Delay Supported Stabilizer Recommendation by Brand​

And this is our pick for one of the best brand for Time-Delay Supported Stabilizer for home usage,

  • Microtek
  • V-Guard
  • Everest
Although it is always better to do your own research before buying and also we will not take responsibility for your purchases and all, because we gave this suggestion.


A thunderstorm is a very common and destructive phenomenon of nature. Proper safety measures should be taken against lighting strikes. Given safety measures should be applied to maximize the safety of your electronic device.